Author Topic: RuneRebels Sirius 2 (2.9.8) - The Sound of Music!  (Read 7177 times)


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RuneRebels Sirius 2 (2.9.8) - The Sound of Music!
« on: July 31, 2019, 08:55:38 pm »

After cleaning up the disaster that was the Slayer Tower, the development team decided to take the scenic route back to the developer base rather than teleport so they could enjoy a nice relaxing trip. They spawned in a wagon, a unicorn to pull it, and some beers for the trip and all piled in. However, as they departed Canifis they started hearing a strange tune that blasted throughout the area. "What the hell is that?" asked Bailey. Ryan pulled out the music tab to realize that it was the all too familiar "Eurodancer" track that for some reason was the default music when an area was lacking its own. "Can we fix this?" asked Bill; "I've heard a bunch of players complain about the music, but I've haven't had to endure this madness for awhile!". "I think we can fix it, we just need a map!" replied Ryan. After getting back to the base, the team found an ancient text buried deep in the library that had the secret codes for each of the areas in the world along with the music that should accompany it. As a bonus, there was also a smaller map on the back that specified which areas should allow the sacred art of multi-combat to take place. Ryan grabbed the texts, along with a some freshly baked pizzas, and ran off into his room. Bailey returned to the Slayer tower, as he had heard rumors that Mogres were trying to break down the front door, and Bill returned to the Quest Library, where a whole bunch of nearly finished scrolls sat on his desk.

Hello players! We've been paying closer attention to both in game yells and the Discord chat for the day to day annoyances and bugs that plague the game, and hope to squash many of them with this update. We've fixed over 100 issues being tracked in our bug tracking system, and have highlighted many of them in the update contents below. The most major one that those who play on high detail will notice is that the entire over world now has the correct music for each game region, and internally we've gone ahead and named every region in the over world as well. We've also revamped the music to play MP3 versions of the songs that sound beautiful, and have added proper fading and saving of your volume related settings. Some other cool highlights are even more fixes for Slayer tasks, full support for the correct autocasting interface, autocasting of Magic Dart with the Slayer staff, and a bunch of other bug fixes. We also have even more content flying through the pipeline at the moment, so stay tuned for more updates. We hope to see you in game sometime!
- The RuneRebels Dev Team

Fixed all overlapping areas.
Completely redid the map that determines which areas are multi-combat.

Added support to the API for spawning temporary objects.
Hide the change from running to walking from the client when using an Agility object.
Fixed a bug where using an Agility object would disable autocast.

Item Spawns:
Added the ability to specify quest requirements for item spawns.
Added the ability to block telegram from being used on spawns.

Fixed music looping not functioning.
Fixed a race condition bug that sometimes caused music to fail to load.
Made ::idson save to the client settings.
Added ::togglecolors command to toggle item colors and disabled the feature by default.
Removed the login music button from low detail.
Added command to modify Npc's attack speeds.
Added version 2 of AGFCache for faster cache updating.
Fixed a bug where music would jump to full volume when changing songs.
Added height level to object right click when idson is enabled.

Core Engine:
Added the hiding behavior for the rock crabs.
Fixed a broken gate in Edgeville.
Fixed some doors flickering when opening/closing.
Fixed a bug where the "wrong direction message" wasn't being sent for doors that needed it.
Added support for chat variables inside of books.

Added the correct messages when drinking potions.
Fixed a bug where if you clicked fast enough, you could attempt to drink an empty vial.
Fixed a bug where poison information wasn't being generated for a bunch of items.

Core 317 Clipping:
Added support for loading fixes from the database.

Added a command to toggle cutscene debug messages.
Added a command to add item spawns.
Made fullreload close all doors before reloading.
Added a command to teleport to a specific game region.
Made ::oemain also send the interface index.
Added ::killworld command.
Added "all" option to ::debug command.
Made back command exclude locations from telewalk.

Added support for the DropItem BlitzEvent.
Added support for making Npcs automatically despawn.
Added support to Movement steps to disable clipping.
Added "RunAgilityChain" step.
Added "DoAttackAnimation" and "DoBlockAnimation" options to the "PerformAction" step.
Added "TemporarilyTransformObject" step.
Added support for skipping named entries in IDTool.
Added "WaitForMovement" step.
Added the interface tool.
Added "MoveToEntity" step.
Added "CheckInventorySpace" step.
Add ability to specify a direction to face after a movement step.
Added option to "ModifyDoor" to not update the clipping map.
Added "AnimateObject" step.
Added "AreaGraphics" step.

NPC Definitions:
Added Thug dying animation and sounds in Edgeville Dungeon
Added Chaos Druid dying animation and sounds in Edgeville Dungeon
Added red dragon combat animations
Added baby red dragon combat animations
Fixed attack speeds for all demons and giants (lesser, greater, black; fire, ice, moss)
Fixed the rest of the "giants" combat animations in the database

Fixed the icon on the Farming level up interface; back in the days of our revision it was actually a spade!

Free to Play:
Added all of the behavior for the Monks of Zamorak near the Zamorak Wine in the Chaos Temple.

Npc Drops:
Fixed Black Demons dropping unnoted Silver Ore.

Npc Spawns:
Removed a bunch of WorldScape Npc spawns at Morytania Graveyard.

Added support for the "destory" option on items that have it.
Fixed a bug where special attack would remain enabled when switching weapons.
Fixed the speed at which Npcs respawn.
Modified movement steps to restore the player's previous run setting and hide the change.
Added the correct attack tab and stylers for claws.
Added the correct attack tab and styles for Halberds.
Made movement steps cancel random Npc movement until a cutscene completes.
Fixed a bug where Npcs may continue to focus on you after dialogue has completed.
Added a missing message when trying to remove an item from your equipment when your inventory is full.
Saved the PID of the server on disk for developer worlds.
Fixed a bug where Npcs would keep trying to attack you when you changed height levels.
Added the ability for debugging when a player's idle / movement animations change.
Added the ability to debug when a players input is enabled / disabled.

Completely redid the music system and the music for the overworld.
Added MP3 versions of the music tracks so they sound the same on all operating systems; these MP3s have been "rendered" with the correct original soundbank.
Made the settings for music volume and sound volume save.
Made the setting for music looping save.
Added the music for Taverly Dungeon.
Fixed the following music tracks not being able to play: Cabin Fever, The Genie, Gnome Village 2, Fanfare 2, Fanfare 3, Ground Scape, Harmony 2, Zogre Dance, Wilderness 2, Wilderness 3, Venture 2, Underground Pass, Too Many Cooks..., Tomorrow, Tale of Keldagrim, Talking Forest, Subterranea, Storm Brew , Jolly-R , Jungly 1, Jungly 2, Jungly 3, Land of the Dwarves, Mad Eadgar, Pharaoh's Tomb, Pirates of Peril, Reggae 2, Spooky 2, Brew Hoo Hoo!

Fixed the behavior of the autocast interface so it now shows the name of the selected spell and can be toggled independently of the spell selection.
Added the correct autocast interface for the Slayer Staff.
Fixed a bug where enchanting items didn't return to the magic tab.
Revamped the magic tables and added them to version control.

Random Events:
Fixed the Genie Lamp interface so you actually can select a skill before confirming it.
Fixed a bug where you could use a lamp to gain Herblore experience without having completed Druidic Ritual.

Moved the memorials for our deceased administrators to the Lumbridge graveyard.

Tutorial Island:
Disabled the ability to get random events on Tutorial Island.

Adjusted the pickpocket cooldown timer.

Fixed the quest requirements for Mogres.
Fixed various bugs with the logic for checking for Slayer equipment on Turoths and Kurasks.
Fixed a bug where "Stick", "Rock", "Kraka", and "Pee Hat" did not count towards the troll task.

Fixed the music inside of the Fight Pits.

Code: [Select]
Marshmallow's summary for the Sirius-2 release:

Game Engine:
AllGoFree Login Server: merge 1 commit into master
RuneScape Blitz: merge 248 commits into master

AllGoFree: merge 7 commits into master
AllGoFreeRSLib: merge 5 commits into master
Blitz API: merge 60 commits into master
Core AllGoFree: merge 7 commits into master
Core Client: merge 35 commits into master

Agility: merge 24 commits into master
Areas: merge 260 commits into master
Barrows: merge 3 commits into master
Battlegrounds: merge 1 commit into master
Bosses: merge 6 commits into master
CastleWars: merge 3 commits into master
Christmas2010: merge 1 commit into master
Christmas2011: merge 2 commits into master
Classic: merge 4 commits into master
Clue Scrolls: merge 1 commit into master
Commands: merge 49 commits into master
Core 317: merge 8 commits into master
Core 317 Clipping: merge 19 commits into master
Core 459: merge 2 commits into master
Core 474: merge 2 commits into master
Core 508: merge 3 commits into master
Core 562: merge 2 commits into master
Core 613: merge 1 commit into master
Core Engine: merge 254 commits into master
DeepWilderness: merge 2 commits into master
Documentation: merge 228 commits into master
DoubleXpWeekend: merge 2 commits into master
Dueling: merge 1 commit into master
Firemaking: merge 1 commit into master
Fishing: merge 4 commits into master
FoodAndDrink: merge 1 commit into master
FreeToPlay: merge 13 commits into master
Halloween2011: merge 1 commit into master
Halloween2014: merge 1 commit into master
Herblore: merge 14 commits into master
ItemSpawns: merge 27 commits into master
ItemWieldRequirements: merge 4 commits into master
Karamja: merge 6 commits into master
Magic: merge 61 commits into master
Members: merge 3 commits into master
Memorial: merge 3 commits into master
Mining: merge 3 commits into master
NpcDrops: merge 3 commits into master
Prayer: merge 1 commit into master
QuestScripts: merge 2 commits into master
Quests: merge 14 commits into master
RandomEvents: merge 7 commits into master
Ranged: merge 1 commit into master
ReadyPlayerOne: merge 1 commit into master
RuneRebels: merge 194 commits into master
Runecrafting: merge 3 commits into master
Slayer: merge 15 commits into master
SpecialAttacks: merge 3 commits into master
Thieving: merge 2 commits into master
Trading: merge 1 commit into master
Tutorial Island: merge 1 commit into master
Wilderness: merge 3 commits into master
Woodcutting: merge 1 commit into master
Zombies: merge 3 commits into master

AllGoFree RS Client: merge 165 commits into master
Project Ivyberry Loader: merge 24 commits into master

AllGoFree Cache Generator: merge 6 commits into master
AllGoFree Music Cache: merge 2 commits into master
AllGoFree RS Cache: merge 8 commits into master
AllGoFree Tools: merge 33 commits into master
BlitzSQLArchiver: merge 1 commit into master
Cirrus: merge 14 commits into master
Marshmallow: merge 7 commits into master

Total: 1898 commits

« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 11:15:20 pm by Ry60003333 »


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Re: RuneRebels Sirius 2 (2.9.8) - The Sound of Music!
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2019, 11:27:07 pm »
Great work guys!!!  ;D ;D :D Glad to see it, keep up the good work!  ;)


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Re: RuneRebels Sirius 2 (2.9.8) - The Sound of Music!
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2019, 04:07:16 pm »
Well done! reeee


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Re: RuneRebels Sirius 2 (2.9.8) - The Sound of Music!
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2019, 01:26:39 am »
Hell yes! Good job!
Copy and paste this to add Waffles in RuneRebels! We have Chocolate, and Beer, why not Waffles?!

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Re: RuneRebels Sirius 2 (2.9.8) - The Sound of Music!
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2019, 06:28:59 pm »
very good updates, gj!