My position needs to be filled until further notice as I'm without a computer to be on discord. Hopefully this thread will be useful to the staff to allow for notification on active status for the staff. Additionally, I'm without a phone until later today, and I need to get my passwords off of my backup storage device from a computer, probably this one. I'll post here once my computer is replaced and I can be active duty, even at work.
Thanks to service to this wonderful company! Be aware that once I have full software access I'll be back. If anyone wants the link to my discord server, let me know as I don't have this link and perhaps some people could volunteer to moderate this server and that link will be tagged to staff channels only. And for what it is worth, next time I login to the discord server I had better have access to a staff channel for discreet direct communication with AllGoFree staff not without a staff only voice channel.
From time to time I'll make the attempt to login and post here when I'm on, as players can check the table for staff activity. My log entry is for an example as I have a phone to purchase and load with passwords.
I would also like to thank Onur for my secret login, Ryan for his dedication, and James for recommendation and a position as Player Mod. Keep me posted for services that I can complete otherwise, and open positions, like Forum Moderator as I don't see one here. We also could use a Discord Moderator as I have yet to see that position.
One other thing:Make a mature section for playing adults and Call the channel "The Blue Moon" and a voice channel for mature players entitled "The Tap Room." This should allow for more mature places for that side of the playerbase with verification from whatever means necessary.