Author Topic: Redefine contest  (Read 9528 times)


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Redefine contest
« on: September 25, 2018, 08:31:43 pm »
As of right now the definition on the urban dictionary for my original name, "Garnu", is sickening.  What I plan to do is hold a contest to anyone here to come up with a full urban definition to show people that a garnu is not as bad as the current definition.  Here are the rules:

1. The definition must be under 200 words.
2. You can slander me, as garnus aren't necessarily the nicest people when you anger them.
3. Each player participating must have an Urban Dictionary account not to exactly propose a definition right away, but I'm requesting everyone participating to down vote that despicable def. by Gϕd.
4. Any word can be used in the definition as long as it is in Urban-speak.

Post up to two ideas and if the staff here want to, we can vote for the best one in which you can post it.  If I see any other def. on the site by checking on our discord botspam channel you will be disqualified.

The winner will receive 2 mil gold, & second place will receive dragon platelegs.

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