Author Topic: RuneRebels Website & Server Upgrade!  (Read 5057 times)


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RuneRebels Website & Server Upgrade!
« on: May 10, 2017, 11:19:41 pm »

As you have may noticed, the forum look and feel has changed! I've just completed some very needed backend upgrades and moved the website onto a brand new server that is much faster than the old one. It also is running a newer operating system and has an SSD (solid state drive) as the main storage device, which should provide an additional speed boost.

As we move forward with more updates to the game, paying down our technical debt from the past is becoming a very important issue, and the sluggishness of the website was one of those factors that was irritating to both the developers and our users alike. We hope that by reducing these frictions, we can bring even more people into the RuneRebels community as we continue along this journey together.

Over the next couple of months we will be working on additional technical debt reducing updates along with new in game content. Part of these technical debt reductions will be improving the end user experience for playing RuneRebels, and we will be focusing on every aspect that a user goes through from when they first visit the website all the way up to logging into the game. There are many aspects of this that can be greatly improved, such as the current landing page, the cache download time, and so on.

In order to add some user facing changes to this update, we have given the forum a fresh coat of paint with a modern dark theme. If you miss the old theme (or want a lighter color), don't worry! Just click here to change your current theme.

See you in game!


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Re: RuneRebels Website & Server Upgrade!
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2017, 11:41:51 pm »
I'm digging this upgrade, feels way faster. Thanks for the update.


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Re: RuneRebels Website & Server Upgrade!
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2017, 05:42:06 am »
Thanks for giving us a heads up on the current events.
I hope to see a lot more streams from the Dev team during the summer, both when dealing with work on the server and when just relaxing with a game.