Username: Sento
Registration Date: February 23, 2013, 04:13:25 pm
Total Time Spent online (this is found by going to your forum profile and clicking show stats under profile info): 6 days, 1 hours and 35 minutes.
Notable things you have done for the community: Donating, reporting a lot of bugs, advertising ( a lot :$ : Forums and mouth to mouth :3), new landing page concepts, and I'm currently working on a website which will benefit the Community. I also tend to help out new users by supplying them with some basic stuff, it can be gear, and sometimes even some big amounts of gp, I HELP EVERYONE, MKAY? :3 I love welcoming everyone by doing this, and eventually trying to keep them on runerebels.
Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran: Well 101 of my posts are bug reports, so I do contribute a lot, currently I'm working on a website (With JT)which will benefit RuneRebel's Economy. Although I wasnt active every single day of the year, I just started enjoying RuneRebels again, that's what keeps me going, Advertising also resulted in the following: