Author Topic: Veteran Member Group Application  (Read 32764 times)


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2014, 05:39:33 pm »
Username: N0vapur3

Registration Date: March 01, 2013, 11:01:41 pm

Total Time Spent online (this is found by going to your forum profile and clicking show stats under profile info): 15 days, 16 hours and 59 minutes.

Notable things you have done for the community: Overall, I've been generally nice to everyone that I come across on the server. I have a thread in the Selling section where I supply people dragonhide/glories in return for supplies which has almost over 2 thousand views. Although I have not donated to the server, I voluntarily worked on quests which I have not given up on since day one of joining the quest developer team. Although none of the quests I've worked on have been released, I'm confident that when they do, players will be very pleased by the results. The main reason why I volunteered to be a quest developer is because as a player, I know what other players want content wise. Not only am I working on quests that I want to see added, I'm working on quests that other people want to see added.

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran: To be honest, I didn't want to make this application so soon but with 15 slots available, I figured it would be the right thing to do. However, I have potential be an excellent veteran for the community because I'm an overall friendly person, I'm active, I help others in need, and I've worked on quests for several months now.

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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2014, 03:31:41 pm »
Username: The Vanguard

Registration Date: March 05, 2013

Total Time Spent online (this is found by going to your forum profile and clicking show stats under profile info): 13 days, 15 hours and 54 minutes.

Notable things you have done for the community: Participated in multiple community and holiday events, including games of castle wars to allow developer testing. Created the "Community interviews" event, which gave reads info into the activity of the dev team and who they are on a personal level, as well as being funny and slightly creepy to read. (Sean, you silly guy, you).

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran: Currently (as of the last time the high scores was up) the second highest ranked overall player in the game, active as the co leader of the strongest clan in runerebels (swift). Also familiar and on good terms with most of the current developer team and moderation team. Also been involved with organizing and assisting community events such as castle war games and drop parties. 
You know that weird flavour in your mouth when you woke up this morning? Yup, that was me.


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2014, 04:00:32 pm »
Looks like all the slots are taken but I'll try anyway haha.

Username: ZzReVeNg3zZ

Registration Date: February 09, 2013, 04:59:16 pm
Total Time Spent Online: 1 days, 13 hours and 59 minutes (Could this possibly be correct? I mean, I'm level 91 Cbl, surely it's more than 25 hours of online time? O.o)

Notable things you have done for the community:

Since day one I've always loved RuneRebels, I made a large amount of progress and PK videos last year on the server around the same time as GameCube, but I didn't post them on the forums at first. During summer last year Dior and myself went on a mission to greet every new player for a week or so, giving them GP and items to start them out :P

I've brought new players to RR, and have stayed loyal to this server by donating (I donated even though I wasn't playing at the time).

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran:

As far as I'm aware, a veteran is someone who's stuck around and knows the score about something, I personal like to feel like i'm part of this community, as even though I'll stop for a month or so then come back and continue playing, I'm ALWAYS active on the forums, I pretty much check the forums every single day for updates and news, and when I am playing I try to contribute by adding bug reports and being as engaging to the community as possible.

RuneRebels is the original RSPS that I played, if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't of met so many of the people I speak to on a daily basis right now, you're friendly, and helpful, I remember Garnu gave me a game for steam for no apparent reason, and I still speak to Prometheus who doesn't play anymore every day.

Being a vet for me is being a loyal part of the community, and I feel I couldn't be more loyal to you guys, I love this place, and can't wait for the server to kick off again one day, because trust me, it will.

I'd understand if you turned me down, but regardless, I still love you all <3
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 04:14:15 pm by ZzReVeNg3zZ »


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2014, 12:48:18 am »
Username: buttplug
Registration Date: February 23, 2013, 01:59:34 pm
Total Time Spent online (this is found by going to your forum profile and clicking show stats under profile info): 2 days, 17 hours and 21 minutes
Notable things you have done for the community: I discovered the "marquee" feature on the forums apparently
Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran:
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Cucking Funt

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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2014, 04:51:07 pm »

Username: Cucking Funt

Registration Date: 07-02-2013, 14:24:07

Total Time Spent online: 3 days, 23 hours and 35 minutes.

Notable things you have done for the community:
Uhm, contrary to popular belief I help a lot of people, In-game and on the forums. Anywhere from a couple extra gp, to teleporting people out of trees :P

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran: Because I'm one of the most known players on the server and looked up to by many. Even Onur, that guy loves my dick. MUCH HOMO.


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2014, 11:25:23 pm »
Are these ever going to be looked at???


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2014, 11:44:22 pm »
Are these ever going to be looked at???

At this rate, I doubt it.


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2014, 03:45:44 am »
Are these ever going to be looked at???

At this rate, I doubt it.

I really doubt they will ever been tbh.


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2014, 10:47:17 am »
Thank you whoever it was for reviewing this!!


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2014, 01:09:03 pm »
Username: Edub

Registration Date: May 03, 2012, 08:37:47 pm (member #269)

Total Time Spent online:
On the Forums: 4 days, 15 hours and 57 minutes.
In-Game: 32 days and 10 hours (courtesy of Onur)

Notable things you have done for the community:
In my 18+ months of playing runerebels I have done a number of things for the community. I have attended and hosted a number of community events in RR dating back to the F2P days. This past 4th of July with the help of Onur and Charles we hosted a 90 smithing and 90 crafting drop party that turned into one of the best community events and experiences I have ever had on runerebels. I have also deliberately gone out of my way in assisting and helping our new players on this server, whether its simply just making a set of iron/steel armor for a new player or just helping someone get from point A to point B.

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran:
I believe I should be considered to be a veteran because I have been around and have supported runerebels for a very long time dating back to the Free to Play days of early Alpha. I have been one of the few loyal players who has stuck with runerebels through the good and the bad times (the spring of 2013 and more recently this past summer). I have disappeared from time to time because of other commitments but I have done my best in keeping up on the forums and what is going on within the community.


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2014, 04:24:47 pm »
Username: Edub

Registration Date: May 03, 2012, 08:37:47 pm (member #269)

Total Time Spent online:
On the Forums: 4 days, 15 hours and 57 minutes.
In-Game: 32 days and 10 hours (courtesy of Onur)

Notable things you have done for the community:
In my 18+ months of playing runerebels I have done a number of things for the community. I have attended and hosted a number of community events in RR dating back to the F2P days. This past 4th of July with the help of Onur and Charles we hosted a 90 smithing and 90 crafting drop party that turned into one of the best community events and experiences I have ever had on runerebels. I have also deliberately gone out of my way in assisting and helping our new players on this server, whether its simply just making a set of iron/steel armor for a new player or just helping someone get from point A to point B.

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran:
I believe I should be considered to be a veteran because I have been around and have supported runerebels for a very long time dating back to the Free to Play days of early Alpha. I have been one of the few loyal players who has stuck with runerebels through the good and the bad times (the spring of 2013 and more recently this past summer). I have disappeared from time to time because of other commitments but I have done my best in keeping up on the forums and what is going on within the community.

Bit pointless considering the discussion that was just laid on the table one post above you, haha.


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2014, 04:34:56 pm »
Username: Edub

Registration Date: May 03, 2012, 08:37:47 pm (member #269)

Total Time Spent online:
On the Forums: 4 days, 15 hours and 57 minutes.
In-Game: 32 days and 10 hours (courtesy of Onur)

Notable things you have done for the community:
In my 18+ months of playing runerebels I have done a number of things for the community. I have attended and hosted a number of community events in RR dating back to the F2P days. This past 4th of July with the help of Onur and Charles we hosted a 90 smithing and 90 crafting drop party that turned into one of the best community events and experiences I have ever had on runerebels. I have also deliberately gone out of my way in assisting and helping our new players on this server, whether its simply just making a set of iron/steel armor for a new player or just helping someone get from point A to point B.

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran:
I believe I should be considered to be a veteran because I have been around and have supported runerebels for a very long time dating back to the Free to Play days of early Alpha. I have been one of the few loyal players who has stuck with runerebels through the good and the bad times (the spring of 2013 and more recently this past summer). I have disappeared from time to time because of other commitments but I have done my best in keeping up on the forums and what is going on within the community.

Bit pointless considering the discussion that was just laid on the table one post above you, haha.
check your rank dummy :*
The original G. Literally.


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2014, 05:51:17 pm »
Username: Edub

Registration Date: May 03, 2012, 08:37:47 pm (member #269)

Total Time Spent online:
On the Forums: 4 days, 15 hours and 57 minutes.
In-Game: 32 days and 10 hours (courtesy of Onur)

Notable things you have done for the community:
In my 18+ months of playing runerebels I have done a number of things for the community. I have attended and hosted a number of community events in RR dating back to the F2P days. This past 4th of July with the help of Onur and Charles we hosted a 90 smithing and 90 crafting drop party that turned into one of the best community events and experiences I have ever had on runerebels. I have also deliberately gone out of my way in assisting and helping our new players on this server, whether its simply just making a set of iron/steel armor for a new player or just helping someone get from point A to point B.

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran:
I believe I should be considered to be a veteran because I have been around and have supported runerebels for a very long time dating back to the Free to Play days of early Alpha. I have been one of the few loyal players who has stuck with runerebels through the good and the bad times (the spring of 2013 and more recently this past summer). I have disappeared from time to time because of other commitments but I have done my best in keeping up on the forums and what is going on within the community.

Bit pointless considering the discussion that was just laid on the table one post above you, haha.
check your rank dummy :*

:O Woohooo!

PS. Edub I is sorry :3


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2014, 07:53:42 pm »
Username: Edub

Registration Date: May 03, 2012, 08:37:47 pm (member #269)

Total Time Spent online:
On the Forums: 4 days, 15 hours and 57 minutes.
In-Game: 32 days and 10 hours (courtesy of Onur)

Notable things you have done for the community:
In my 18+ months of playing runerebels I have done a number of things for the community. I have attended and hosted a number of community events in RR dating back to the F2P days. This past 4th of July with the help of Onur and Charles we hosted a 90 smithing and 90 crafting drop party that turned into one of the best community events and experiences I have ever had on runerebels. I have also deliberately gone out of my way in assisting and helping our new players on this server, whether its simply just making a set of iron/steel armor for a new player or just helping someone get from point A to point B.

Reason you believe you should be considered a veteran:
I believe I should be considered to be a veteran because I have been around and have supported runerebels for a very long time dating back to the Free to Play days of early Alpha. I have been one of the few loyal players who has stuck with runerebels through the good and the bad times (the spring of 2013 and more recently this past summer). I have disappeared from time to time because of other commitments but I have done my best in keeping up on the forums and what is going on within the community.

Bit pointless considering the discussion that was just laid on the table one post above you, haha.
check your rank dummy :*

:O Woohooo!

PS. Edub I is sorry :3

It's alright man no worries, and thanks guys for the quick response to my application!


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Re: Veteran Member Group Application
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2016, 12:26:49 am »
UHHHHHHH lets see, I assisted with making the community aware that there was a trojan program inside the worldscape client (Y'know, doing the right thing and ensuring the safety of the people I moderated)
And I also played a part in inadvertently killing Worldscape as in the aftermath of the shitstorm which arose from my ban and other incidents, the community began to die very slowly.
You discovered what you thought was a trojan which was actually nothing.
You went around starting conspiracy's and used a backdoor to take control of the website, and then you were banned. You never caused and real damage, just some slight inconveniences.

And if I remember, you actually didn't do anything, it was Program that started it, and you just ran off like a little school girl spreading rumors.