Hi there,
Olivia aka Spookiepie here.
As some of you may know, I was a quest developer in the process of making Dragon Slayer for RuneRebels. Working daily to help try to get it done and I was very close to be getting that done. However when issues came up I was removed from the quest team without knowledge of it ever happening.
JT has came back to the team over the process and has asked me personally if I want to come back as a quest developer.
Now i'm considering re-applying to the position but still looking into some feedback and hopefully some changes to make the quest making process.... easier. Hopefully a talk with ryan and maybe the community team itself would help solve things quicker.
As some of you may know I have offered giving the dragon slayer that was mostly coded to give back to have someone finish it and look over it when I was demoted. Unfortunately no one took it. The bad news is, ALL of it is gone on my end because of a new operating system.
So what I plan on doing IF i come back is the first thing I will do, is pick off where I left off and REMAKE dragon slayer from start to finish.
However here is where you can come in.
I'm hoping to see if ryan will come to an agreement to make a way to where quest developers can have their own test servers to compile and test from to build and test as they go along instead of building all of the quests, and NONE of it working and not knowing where the error is.
I'm hoping there can be an agreement from ryan having some sort of a contract of some sort to where quest developers can NOT transfer, release, or use the server to make their own servers, excluding test servers for rune rebels specifically. This means we could have our own test servers individually and code the quests as we go along. This would make quests MUCH easier and we will NOT have to wait for ryan to get to us and have to wait the process of waitting on ryan to do anything. Dragon slayer was on a Hold still for the longest time because of no contact with ryan which means I could NOT go on.
So with this, maybe you can put your input and ideas to help provide something to make this "happen", Good luck, and Hopefully I'll be back on the team if all is decided on what I want to do on my own personal thought.