i have been playing for just a little under 2 days now! the game is amazing! that's a understatement
(such a kiss ass
Community: really good more people would help (keep voting) the people that are on are awesome! and really generous! three of the people that I have met helped me out so much 1. afoon, this person gave me full steel a black 2h a deff ammy and steel, mith and addy pick! thank you again!
2. dior, this person offered to give me money! (I turned him down, I would rather work for my money
Items just seem a bit different
) and 3. tiellanor this person gave me green d'hide chaps and vabs along with studded body and coif! thank you all three of you I just wanted to give you guys a shout out!
Game-Play: My Favorite and most umm not sure the right word for it... shocking I guess, was the music and sounds that were added along with the quests! that was really cool good job guys! its not the biggest part of the game but it has to be the most part that sets u guys apart from others! BRAVO!
Forums: I am not one for being constantly on the forums
but I thought I would say something about it, there are a bunch of people on and its a good place to buy and sell things so
i'll be on
What else
Just a Strait good job, I hope u guys don't stop what you are doing! BRAVO MATES, I hope to play this game for a long time!
keep going guys!
and for those who have helped me! thanks!
5gps out!