Hey guys,
I just started playing this today and have to say loved what I saw in tutorial Island. A nice unique touch to impress new players. I got through it all anticipating the greatness that was going to be lumbridge. I wasn't dissapointed, it was just as it used to be. However I went to go kill men to train and it took me 10 minutes to get 8 defence... Now I don't know how you guys picked the xp rate, maybe it was a poll or something? But any server with a xp rate of 1 is bound to fail.
People go on servers to get away from rs, do something different. One major thing is training their account to a level they could never be bothered achieving on runescape. With such a low xp rate it will put people off straight away.
So my question. How was the xp rate decided?
Good job so far,