Hey guys, a big goal of mine in the server is to achieve 99 Runecrafting. I know it will be hard, but I believe that I can accomplish it and max out my runecrafting skill. At the moment, the runecrafting skill is disabled, which I don't understand, because it's a F2P skill. None the less, my runecrafting will have to wait until they add it back into the game, which I don't think will take a long time for them to do.
Update 2/12/13:
Rune mysteries and runecrafting were both added, which is fantastic! I started by doing the quest both on Trent and my secondary account/essence mule. I then proceeded to runecraft the rest of my essence at the body altar which got me to 35. I can now runecraft double fire runes, so I mined 2k essence and headed there. I will start runecrafting again tomorrow. I dropped a few hiscores spots, but it's ok, I'm sure to gain them back.
Current Runecrafting Level: 35
1 Runecrafting[X]
10 Runecrafting[X]
20 Runecrafting[X]
30 Runecrafting[ ]
40 Runecrafting[ ]
50 Runecrafting[ ]
60 Runecrafting[ ]
70 Runecrafting[ ]
80 Runecrafting[ ]
90 Runecrafting[ ]
99 RunecraftingCurrent Amount of Pure Ess:2000
Rank on Hiscores:16
Supporters:So Close