I don't generally think this is needed, I mean, a lot of our staff and developers are respected members and moderators of MoparScape, MoparScape offers a graphics design category and a website design category so you could just use that. If you post over there I'm more than likely to help you, or you could PM me here/there. I don't think boards related to programming would suit an RSPS.
that was also my thought, but what I've experienced in my previous RsPs adventure; a lot of players are intressted in it and want it to give it a try when they see work from others, even I got inspired by a designer on a RsPs. And I think it's kind of annoying to hop from forum to forum, I like it all on one place.
But it's possible that only I see the benefits from it, because I don't play in-game, but only hang on the forums and I like a forum that is sorted out.
And maybe at the begining it won't be used as much, but after a while it will. If I look at the previous RsPs I played the graphics board wasn't used much at the begining, but when more players started to join the amount of "GFX'ers" and developers grew exponentially.