It had only been a short while since Bill had released his last quest scroll into the wild when the news came in. Alex burst into the headquarters with a newspaper in his hand and screamed "DID YOU GUYS SEE THIS!", waking Ryan up from his nap on the couch. "What the, see what?" replied a half asleep Ryan. "The plague in West Ardougne has spread to the east side!" exclaimed Alex. "They are saying that it might spread over all of Gielinor within a couple months" he continued. "Ahh it'll be just fine" said Bill as he strolled in with quest scrolls in each hand. Little did the crew know what the coming weeks would bring...
To be continued!

Hello players! We hope that you are staying safe during these difficult times with the current human malware that is spreading across the world. Our lives have definitely been impacted, so this is a bit of a smaller update than we originally hoped for, but we are working on additional content as well as an upcoming double experience event to keep you occupied while you stay at home! For now, we hope you enjoy this handful of bug fixes and quality of life improves to the game client that should make your RuneRebels experience more pleasant.

The RuneRebels Dev Team

Agility:• Fixed some shortcuts (such as the Ardy log balance) that would display "I can't reach that!".
• Fixed many bugs with the existing Agility APIs.
• Added additional APIs to make programming future shortcuts and courses easier.
• Laid the groundwork for many of the future Agility courses.
Areas:• Fixed the Edgeville Dungeon incorrectly being a multi-combat area.
• Fixed the Varrock Sewers not being multi-combat.
Client:• Added 'tab' hotkey to reply to the last private message.
• Added F hotkeys to quickly switch in-game tabs.
• Added the ability to use space and number keys to advance through dialogue and select dialogue options.
• Holding down the 'shift' key will now move the drop item to first option in your inventory.Clipping:• Fixed some various clipping related issues.
Shops:• Fixed some issues with various shops.

Marshmallow's summary for the Violet release:
Game Engine:
RuneScape Blitz: merge 4 commits into master
Blitz API: merge 2 commits into master
Agility: merge 198 commits into master
Areas: merge 2 commits into master
Core 317: merge 1 commit into master
Core 317 Clipping: merge 16 commits into master
Core Engine: merge 1 commit into master
Documentation: merge 1 commit into master
ObjectScripts: merge 1 commit into master
RuneRebels: merge 4 commits into master
Shops: merge 7 commits into master
Quest Data: merge 5 commits into master
AllGoFree RS Cache: merge 1 commit into master
Marshmallow: merge 1 commit into master
Total: 244 commits