Author Topic: RuneRebels Ethereal Hotpatch (2.14.1)  (Read 8629 times)


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RuneRebels Ethereal Hotpatch (2.14.1)
« on: March 03, 2020, 03:06:19 am »

Please read the post for RuneRebels Ethereal (2.14) - GHOSTS AHOY & ECTOFUNTUS! first!

It was the middle of one of the darkest nights of the month as Ryan and Bill teleported around Morytania, Bill modifying his Quest Scroll constantly while making note of all of the things that needed a touch of Ryan's magic to work properly. They worked quickly but carefully throughout the night until they saw the sunrise on the horizon. "Well, that ought to do it, I'm ready to get the hell out of here" said Bill as he sat down and pulled out a fresh Wizard's mind bomb. "Same" replied Ryan, as they opened up Port Phasmatys to the players and teleported back to RuneRebels headquarters. In the morning, they woke up to banging at the door. "Oh no, what did we do" said Bill as he slowly stumbled out of bed and opened the door. He found a whole crowd of players with a scroll of complaints about the new town. "The general store won't sell me anything!" said Nijntje; "and that Old Crone won't co-operate with me even after I gave in to all her demands!" they continued. "Also my chest disappeared" said Bailey. "Also the undead cows don't drop my favorite kind of meat!" yelled Brownay. "Thank you for the concerns, we'll take care of them right away" replied Bill as he quickly closed the door and grabbed another Wizards mind bomb from the fridge.

Hello players! We hope that are you enjoying the new content that was recently released. As usual, there are a couple of bugs to squash with every update, so we are very happy to announce the first hotpatch for Ethereal. We hope you enjoy it, and please continue to submit bug reports via the forums or Discord!
- The RuneRebels Dev Team

Added correct dialogue and behavior for Ghost bankers and booths.

Added support for type and rotation for overrides table.
Fixed an issue where the chest for Ghosts Ahoy would despawn server-side.

Made all Ghost Ahoy quest items untradable.

Made all of the "Pool of slime" objects clickable from any distance.

Adjusted the timing for filling buckets of slime from the pool.

Added ability to cook undead beef/chickens and added correct messages.

Npc Dialogue:
Fixed dialogue with Sir Lancelot to say man/lady depending on gender.

Npc Drops:
Added drops for Undead cows.
Added drops for Undead chickens.
Fixed a bug where Rock crabs and Dagannoths would drop noted seaweed.
Added 100% seaweed drop to the Giant Lobster for Ghost Ahoy.

Added the Port Phasmatys general store.
Added Ak-Haranu's Exotic Bolt rack shop.

Added double mark detection to avoid future bugs.

Fixed a bug where Robin wouldn't ask you to play Runedraw and would instead immediately sign your Oak longbow in Ghosts Ahoy.

Code: [Select]
Marshmallow's summary for the Ethereal release:

Game Engine:
RuneScape Blitz: merge 6 commits into master


Bank: merge 1 commit into master
Cooking: merge 2 commits into master
Core 317 Clipping: merge 9 commits into master
Core Engine: merge 5 commits into master
Documentation: merge 4 commits into master
FoodAndDrink: merge 5 commits into master
NpcDrops: merge 9 commits into master
Prayer: merge 1 commit into master
Quests: merge 5 commits into master
RuneRebels: merge 2 commits into master
Shops: merge 7 commits into master

Quest Data: merge 2 commits into master


AllGoFree Tools: merge 1 commit into master
Marshmallow: merge 1 commit into master

Total: 60 commits

« Last Edit: March 03, 2020, 03:17:26 am by Ry60003333 »


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Re: RuneRebels Ethereal Hotpatch (2.14.1)
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2020, 09:28:32 pm »
Awesome hotpatch!