check this out
so it seems that if one patch is affected by something like disease or death, it will affect the camelot patch. i've been experimenting with crops and no crops. when sysyphus leaves weeds in all patches except herb, even if i weed the patch it displays it with weeds.
trying to figure it out more, but the camelot patch seems affected by the other patches.
alright so it seems the ardy patch affects the camelot patch the most.
i went through and none of my flower patches were displaying, but i had limp in all of them. alive.
when sysyphus weeded camelot, and draynor, camelot wouldn't display it removed. but dray did. went to ardy and it removed just fine. went back to camelot and weeded, and it worked fine. typherium checked allotments at camelot, not displayed. then to dray, displayed, harvest and replant. ardy was displayed, harvest and replant. when i got back to camelot the allotment was properly displayed, harvested and seeded again. limpwurt still not showing. still testing different things. thanks you guys!