I'm going to be changing me in game attitude , I will be ignoring the trolls , and people who talk shit to me , I feel this server can't move forward with trolls talking shit to other trolls . I will attack who ever I want in the wildy don't talk shit to me cause I attacked you . The wildy isn't for farming hides they made it for a reason , if you don't like me attacking you ask me to stop , If you don't stop when I stop I will keep fighting . There is no rule saying you cant tele out , people have tele block if they want to use it they can . All though changing my attitude i still have no chance for becoming mod or staff , but i feel that people will stop talking shit to me when they realize I don't give a fuck. If anyone has a problem with what I do simply PM me no need to talk shit . Also mods shouldn't threaten people on Skype , its not their duty to moderate Skype so don't tell me what I can or can't do on Skype , if you want to talk to me about runerebels I will be on runerebels no need to tell me things on Skype that involves runerebels . Feel free to leave a comment talk shit all you want , do what ever .