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General / Re: It's been a while
« Last post by Prayer on March 19, 2025, 09:53:35 pm »
hey gornu long time no see!
how's life with everyone, it's been a decade!!

edit: 1161 days last logged in o:
General / It's been a while
« Last post by Gornu on February 21, 2025, 03:30:41 pm »

After hacking my own password here without scripts(took me a few tries,) I feel I may as well break silence with AllGoFree.  Firstly, perhaps I predicted that JGX started to crack down on would-be rsps' making money, not that I went through with any communication with said company in tangible reality.  Secondly, I left the discord chat and any other corresponding platforms to focus on my mental health, for if there's anything I have learned over the years, an unhealthy mind can also create unhealthy patterns in other peoples' if left unchecked.  Thirdly?  that's up for debate.  My psych finally ordered a genome test, so with renewed faith in that sector of medicine, this time around, I am now confident towards a more tangible results of such reliability.

Oh, and I count my fortunes that the leaked email password associated with the account here didn't besmirch my name otherwise.
Report a Bug / Re: 3rd time frozen at Grand Tree final boss
« Last post by Akatora on December 29, 2024, 10:03:06 am »
Thank you! Will try this next time! :)
Report a Bug / Re: 3rd time frozen at Grand Tree final boss
« Last post by edub on December 29, 2024, 09:00:49 am »
Not sure if it will help you. The next time you get stuck try switching to W3 then switching back to W1. Has helped me in the past.
Report a Bug / Other 3rd time frozen at Grand Tree final boss
« Last post by Akatora on December 28, 2024, 06:47:30 pm »
This time I ran in and got into the fight pit. I got into safe spot and began attacking the demon who was stuck behind a rat and ran back into a zone where I could be hit.

Mid fight the gnome npc starts talking to me again and I was frozen in spot until I died. Spawned in Lummy and ran around to bank but then I couldn't log out so had to X out.

Can't log back in so will need somebody to unlock my account again.

Report a Bug / Re: Stuck at Grand Tree Final Boss Again
« Last post by edub on December 27, 2024, 11:05:02 pm »
Onur teleported you to lummy and kicked you today.
Report a Bug / Re: Stuck at Grand Tree Final Boss Again
« Last post by Akatora on December 25, 2024, 12:30:36 pm »
Thanks! No rush :)
Report a Bug / Re: Stuck at Grand Tree Final Boss Again
« Last post by edub on December 25, 2024, 09:02:47 am »
I let the staff team know. Someone should be able to help. With the holidays this week not everyone is home.
Report a Bug / Other Stuck at Grand Tree Final Boss Again
« Last post by Akatora on December 24, 2024, 06:35:33 pm »
Hey all,

This time I am locked out again after the boss despawned after 10 minutes.

Once the boss despawned I was unable to move anywhere and frozen. Had to X out and now I can't log in again.

Wondering if anyone could unfreeze me (and maybe spawn me in Lumbridge so that I don't get killed by the boss via getting frozen again when I log back in)

Has happened to me over the years. Black kicked you last night so you should be able to log back on. Unfortunate that you lost some things but the runes and arrows can be gotten back atleast.
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