« Last post by Gornu on February 21, 2025, 03:30:41 pm »
After hacking my own password here without scripts(took me a few tries,) I feel I may as well break silence with AllGoFree. Firstly, perhaps I predicted that JGX started to crack down on would-be rsps' making money, not that I went through with any communication with said company in tangible reality. Secondly, I left the discord chat and any other corresponding platforms to focus on my mental health, for if there's anything I have learned over the years, an unhealthy mind can also create unhealthy patterns in other peoples' if left unchecked. Thirdly? that's up for debate. My psych finally ordered a genome test, so with renewed faith in that sector of medicine, this time around, I am now confident towards a more tangible results of such reliability.
Oh, and I count my fortunes that the leaked email password associated with the account here didn't besmirch my name otherwise.