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Messages - Axel

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General / Re: PLAYER base may increase again!
« on: February 23, 2013, 10:35:33 pm »
I doubt that we'll gain more players because everyone is playing Jagex's 07 servers. 

OfficialProjectRS06 belongs to Axel, a admin who quit from the ProjectRS06 administration and now campaigns for us.  He makes comments on videos that people made of Rune Rebels.  The "real" ProjectRS06 channel is now "RealProjectRS06". 

ProjectRS06 has shut down anyway, their site is no more.  Unless their players come to us instead of playing the 07 servers, I doubt we'll increase in players.

Hi, Actually I just handed it over to RuneRebels management directly. I myself didn't change anything - since I was creator of the channel, I just handed it over & told RuneRebels they could do whatever with it.

Here is my post, and also same day I gave RuneRebels the youtube channel.

General Media & Graphical Design / Re: Ty axel
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:39:08 pm »
Not to hate or anything, but Axel I'm almost certain that you were part of that development team, which does mean that you are partially the reason of it's downfall. Now I'm not posting to create conflict so If I have offended I apologise.
Also I am pleased that you have brought players to the server, but using the ProjectRs YouTube channel could create enemies.
I'm not taking anything away from your role as I did respect you as a dev, just making sure you know that.

I wasn't a developer, I was administrator + part owner, and the only honest bone in that whole project. You should read

To be 100% honest with you, we don't need the ProjectRs drama brought over here, we can just leave Prs06 behind and forget about it, no unwanted posts slandering the name of it, we can just be at peace and get on with gameplay.

You are absolutely right.

General Media & Graphical Design / Re: Ty axel
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:13:08 pm »
Not to hate or anything, but Axel I'm almost certain that you were part of that development team, which does mean that you are partially the reason of it's downfall. Now I'm not posting to create conflict so If I have offended I apologise.
Also I am pleased that you have brought players to the server, but using the ProjectRs YouTube channel could create enemies.
I'm not taking anything away from your role as I did respect you as a dev, just making sure you know that.

I wasn't a developer, I was administrator + part owner, and the only honest bone in that whole project. You should read

General Media & Graphical Design / Re: Ty axel
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:25:12 pm »
We have a great community, but I feel all this hating on Project is making us look bad..

I don't think people are truly hating on PRS06 on here, unlike PRS06 hating on Runerebels - publically, in news posts! Spreading propaganda to the users for them to feel hate towards Runerebels.

Also this forum supports freedom of speech - something which PRS06 does not, PRS06 will only allow truly hateful abusive cussing if it is aimed at someone else than anyone in staff or critical of PRS06.

I know this, because when andrewp went on a banning spree and people were spamming forums hating on 666 cause of him botting on 4 chars in PRS06 - I went to defend them, not knowing that whenever I replied andrewp was mass banning dusins of people in end everyone thought it was me who started banning masses.

But yes people on runerebels reflect the entire community it is best to just avoid any attention. The youtube channel is mine, I created it etc. If I feel this server (which could have ended up running PRS06 anyways if david/pomp had decided in favor of Ry instead of ko9) is better off than PRS06 I will write that on my channel.

General / Re: Someone posted this, death of PRS06 has started.
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:01:52 pm »
That's good news I just hope this community grows! What do you suggest Axel? :)
For the love of god, don't go there and start advertising, Albi is probably being kicked because of the RWT which silab exposed, but 666, ollie, andrewp are still notorious known for making up random stuff, so they will manipulate the remaining users into thinking it is because of a Runerebels attack or something.

Just be at your best behaviour, be mature - that is how I go about it.

General / Someone posted this, death of PRS06 has started.
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:49:03 pm »

For the newer ones who haven't read the truth about PRS06 you can read it here in news:

Introductions / Re: Greetings
« on: February 08, 2013, 09:55:47 pm »
Hi everyone, I have just joined this server, from the looks of it, it looks far better than any other remake out there, so I look forward to trying it out ^_^
Some of you might be familiar with my name.

Nice to meet everyone :D

Welcome here, I remember your name - glad you free'd yourself from the tyranny that rules over the "other remake".

lets all spam pr06 forums plz

Please, never lower your integrity or honor by harming another no matter the reason.  It is one thing to 'defend' yourself, it is entirely different to attack another.

This is, or was, a very nice site and game.  I would hate to think it being ruined by our actions towards others.  Let's just drop it, and enjoy our game.

I think it far better to compliment ourselves, then waste time insulting others.
That is my exact way of conducting myself aswell. +1 to you sir.

This is just my humble opinion.  While I do understand Axel wanting, and feeling the need, to get his 'side' of this story out, I do not believe we should be discussing other sites and the wrongs they did here on this great site.

I smell a flame war approaching, and in the long run, it will cause us some serious problems.  Problems the staff may come to regret.

Remember, this is just my opinion, and my experience...
I agree and I shall stop posting here then, I am sorry for causing problems for Runerebels. I just think people who flee to here are the intelligent and enlighten ones.

Axel, your own actions make your statements unlikely.  Unless Ollie was pretending to be you for an entire month you are just making a lot of stuff up in a desperate attempt to draw more players here.

Ollie isn't the one trying to steal players from other servers because he can't get enough...  That would be you guys.  Get your spammers off of our forums and GO AWAY.  We are NOT going to come here, and you are just going to alienate us all.
I am not with Runerebels, and have never advertised for them either, nor have I ever spammed any forums and I am agasint that forum of advertisement aswell, I am simply stating the truth for those players who are fleeing from PRS06 to join RR (& other servers) - players who are intelligent enough to think for themselfs, players who will not let themself be manipulated by ko9/albi/666's shady explanations, albi was a banned member (by david) for botting on prs06, 666 was banned 4 times for multilogging / botting on prs06 and forever banished from prsc, and ko9 was already planned to be kicked from any projects, if it wasnt for david's sudden illness and someone needing to manage prs06.

People are entitled to their oppinions here atleast unlike prs06, it is just such a shame that a very few of you do not question the authority and the shady lies they fill you with at prs06. I will not be playing on RR or elsewhere, and I never played prs06.

I just believe that there are lots of people who question the authority of ko9 & albi and see that without the players support, they are left with their own corruption.

I feel sorry for most people who still put their trust in the pRS06 project, people who will continue to think that their XP will be saved, that dupes do not exist, and that it will not close.

Axel you dildo.. How could you do this to me and release my character file...
Because after I came back from my birthday, I saw the lies and untruths that were spread about me, and I also saw you blindly believing it and talking badly about me, despite everything I had done for you. I felt betrayed by everyone, I had no reason not to release the DB.

Like i said before Projectrs06 will die and RuneRebels will rise and no offense your a idiot to leave runerebels for project :/
Not quite what happened, Frell exposed to the entire staff @ PRS06 that PRS06 is using the source of 2006scape and that Ko9 was gonna monetize it fully.

So Frell, knowingly that PRS06 could have gone to 'Ryan' (owner of runerebels?) told us (the prs06 staff) to move to runerebels.

But when I spoke with pompano and ko9, ko9 promised not to monetize and said he never mentioned it and that Frell was lying, Then I was offered 20% ownership of PRS06 and PRSC, meaning 20% of all profits aswell - so on the insurance that ko9 was not gonna monetize and destroy prs06 and on the note that I was becoming part owner of prs06 I decided to stay with PRS06 and not leave to join runerebels. However despite the powers given to me on runerebels, I never used any powers or even posted on here, as runerebels are good people + then ryan/frell/me/ko9 came into discussions of migrating eachother, to form 1 RSPS. That however failed.

So you didn't ruin the eco with the dupes?

No, I never worked on the source, I don't even have the game source itself, But I know that dupes have existed all along and the developers are lazy and inactive and frankly there has been 6+ different dupes for ages, 1 by 1 they have been getting fixed, people were promoted to developer if they contacted us with a method of how to fix dupe, I hope you see how weak the developer side of PRS06 is.

One of the players who caused the most dupes was silabsoft, (an archenemy of Ko9). But with an undeveloped game like that, bugs and dupes will exist all over.

Can I request that a moderator or administrator edits out the 'google' to 'PRS06' then?

And I know this may not matter to RuneRebels much, but I would appreciate if this could be re posted or moved to News?

RuneRebels and PRS06 are linked to eachother due to the fact that Pompano and David coulda choosen either you guys or ko9 to take over PRS06.

Nice read, now see you on BA ;)

Yes after those disgusting discrediting attempts, I no longer feel obligated to ko9 nor PRS06 - I released the DB of PRS06 to bugabuse, as they have prior caused great comotion in PRS06.

They also defaced the PRS06 site once - So I felt that was the best place to dump the DB. I did dump the DB, I am not denying that, and that may have been a douche call, but with those crude and false untruths that they are portraying me as...

Will you be joining us?
I never played the game, I didn't play PRS06 I have no interest in playing, sorry. Also I once chose PRS06 over Runerebels back when I was promoted Developer on here. That means I am not welcome here, and I am surprised that I am not banned.

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