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Messages - Pur3 5tr7

Pages: [1] 2 3
General / What have I missed?
« on: July 13, 2017, 10:27:03 am »
Hey guys,

I've been off this site for a year or so. Last I checked the devs were abandoning development of the server. I log in now and see something or other about updates.

What have I missed? Can someone recap RR for me this last year?


Off Topic / Re: Anyone interested in watching my 2006 ironman series?
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:24:36 am »
Yeah, well.... it's been a year since I started and no one took interest so I didn't continue very long.

Introductions / Re: who is still alive
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:45:04 am »
I want to come back and play but no one's ever on (I guess that's why no one comes to play). Besides, the server needs a lot of updates, right now it's just skilling that's available :(

Off Topic / Anyone interested in watching my 2006 ironman series?
« on: July 12, 2015, 07:35:05 pm »
Hey guys, so this isn't actually RuneRebels related but I've started up a YouTube channel for RuneScape and other RPG's.

Right now I'm doing a 2006 ironman series on my own 4x private server and I have two episodes uploaded already. If anyone's interested, here's my channel link:
I will eventually do a let's play on RuneRebels.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated :)

Introductions / Re: Hi
« on: July 12, 2015, 07:17:42 pm »
Hey, welcome to the server! Feel free to add me, I'm on every now and then ;3

Off Topic / Re: Favorite TV Shows?
« on: February 18, 2015, 12:41:53 pm »
Friends (blame my ex GF), That 70's Show, Family Guy, Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Breaking Bad, and of course I got sucked into watching Game of Thrones.

General / Re: Oldschool Runescape turning free
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:45:44 am »
Maybe this problem would be solved if they didn't call it oldschool. This isn't oldschool, it's not 06 or anything like that. It is, however, pre-EOC. I loved pre-EOC. I like godwars, I liked the G.E. All OS is, is pre-EOC, but with the wilderness added back. Honestly, I enjoy playing it, because I never started playing RS till the very end of 06 in December.

If they didn't call it "Oldschool", I wouldn't feel like they messed it up again.

RuneRebels Media / Re: That's what I like to see! :)
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:41:39 am »
I always played the game to quest and explore, never to skill really. Skills just happened on the way. Only time I ever got 54 thieving was for desert treasure, for example.

Tutorials/Guides / Re: Request for Melee-Combat tips!
« on: February 13, 2015, 10:57:47 pm »
Go to a low level aggro monster area, and leave for a few days?

I voted against it for the pure fact that I feel most here don't understand the sweat that goes on behind the scenes to make stuff like this happen. It isn't simply packing a quest into the server and everything works magically. I want this to happen, but not without the quest.
"Should devs release the Priest in Peril quest..."
You voted no.
Derp  ::)

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: THR0WBAK EASTER
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:42:06 am »
Fukk yah when ugettin on niggaaaa
Tonight, got school stuff to do till then :(

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Are there any bosses in game?
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:41:35 am »
*We had the Giant Mole, but we lost access to due to AI not behaving correctly.
:-\ We should at least get KBD, he's easy to code. Really, just copy normal dragon AI and add his special attacks.
dragons don't have any other attack yet, they only use melee atm

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: THR0WBAK EASTER
« on: February 12, 2015, 12:13:11 am »

Fist-pump fist-pump fist-pump....

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Are there any bosses in game?
« on: February 12, 2015, 12:10:59 am »
*We had the Giant Mole, but we lost access to due to AI not behaving correctly.
:-\ We should at least get KBD, he's easy to code. Really, just copy normal dragon AI and add his special attacks.

Why would anyone vote against this lol?
"Some people don't like change - for the rest of us, there's Wikileaks."

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