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Messages - ox random xi

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Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Suggestion to raise XP RATE
« on: January 13, 2014, 08:23:54 pm »
Alright, you may close the thread and the poll. I wish you luck with RR 2.0
I would like to let you know that we have thought long and hard about this, it didn't just go based off the thread. We MAY consider a test world with a different xp rate, and if it goes well then we MAY have two worlds with two seperate XP rates. This would of course have seperate player files.

IMHO, I wouldn't start branching off separate worlds to appease the minority.  Continue to put the resources into the main RR game and people will come here for the gameplay and community regardless of XP rate.
We won't do it without the community's consent, we are still thinking about it but if we have any thoughts of putting it up then we will put out a poll for what kind of XP change and whether or not the players want it. Someone did make a point that the community now may want no change but the community coming in does. This may or may not be entirely true but this is a very serious subject that is up for debate at the moment.

Yea.....Cuz they want to catch up to the players that spent all that time with 2x rate.
Guess you can take in your new players and lose your old ones if you really want to tho.
300 new players is worth 50 old ones.
and of course my poll died, the community that is actually 'playing' and is 'active' will of course vote for what they love. There aren't any new faces here to help me push my appeal.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Suggestion to raise XP RATE
« on: January 13, 2014, 06:41:42 am »
Alright, you may close the thread and the poll. I wish you luck with RR 2.0

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Suggestion to raise XP RATE
« on: January 11, 2014, 09:02:00 pm »
Yeah, I've played since it was spawn-enabled. I remember the XP rate. It was a lot more fun than this. Enjoy the small player-base I guess.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Suggestion to raise XP RATE
« on: January 11, 2014, 05:28:59 pm »
Based off what I read that wasn't off topic, and not hateful -
Saying that I'm not a donor is hilarious. Comparing that should be comparing our join dates, which I have you beat there buddy.

I'm not trying to mold the server around my schedule, or turn it into something of my own. I keep hearing about player-base, and attracting players, yet you guys JUST hit 50 'online at one time' I believe. Is that even worth mentioning when there are other servers out there with over thousands of active players? Now, I know remakes aren't the most popular genre to the RSPS community, and it's a hard niche to get into as a server owner and developer (I'm staff on couple of servers that are not remakes and was previously on one that failed) and even harder for the players. I'm an opportunist. I'm an idea kind of guy, which is why Ryan wanted to include me on the team in the beginning. I understand totally about player-attraction, niche appeal and trying to just stay above the competition (which is scarce in remakes). The problem with competition is, Runescape is offering a more secure product and security on terms of being around, and your accounts. RR Owners don't expect the server to go anywhere, not many server owners do, but there is always the chance the server could disappear. The VPS could crash and we lose the information. Ryan becomes more busy and the team loses motivation. There are so many factors that could take RR down in a month. Jagex doesn't have that, and if it did, players would know from the start. With this competition in mind, you have to include other ideas that bring a new face to the remake 'genre' and attraction to players that wouldn't ordinarily be interested in a remake. How do you do that? Well, without ruining the original formula of the server, an increased XP rate could bring a bunch of new players that wouldn't ordinarily player it. One, such as, players who don't have that much time on their hands (I happen to fall into that category). Two, players that may prefer pking as a main factor in a server and look away at servers who don't promote in such a way as fast leveling. And lastly, players who wish to relive the 'glory days' without paying the price they did back then (I could also fall into this category...).

With that being said, I believe the discussion of increasing the XP rate should be a serious one to the staff and the players.
Do you want more people?
Do you want to attract more people?
I hope so, as a community, that means a stronger presence and more of a game.
As owners/developers, more possible revenue for the server and, well, more players are always good.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Suggestion to raise XP RATE
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:16:40 pm »
man I'm in college. work full time. and I'm preparing to open a juice bar in my hometown with a loan I'm getting in a couple months. I'm super busy too but I'm tired of people wanting to raise xp rates. It's a remake for a reason.. I was all in favor of 1x ONLY but now that I've played 2x I think it's perfect because it's not too fast and not too slow. We want the grind to be there to distinguish the ones that put in hard work. If you make it any higher it's going to be like all the other private servers just without custom content and skills added. That's dumb. a REMAKE IS A REMAKE
If you want to play RS 06, Jagex is offering it with a higher security of being always there with more dedicated developers and supporters. Sounds like that's what you want.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Suggestion to raise XP RATE
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:06:29 pm »
Now, I'm an old player of RR, I was almost the community manager 2 years ago when they needed one, and I would love to get into the game but I can't with my time restraints due to my 2 jobs and school. I'd love an XP higher than 2.

I'd like to raise it to either 10x or 25x, but others can comment what they'd like.

Introductions / Re: Hi all, I'm Max.
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:42:07 am »
Welcome to the game Max :) can't wait to see you ingame!

Forum Games / Re: Post a picture of yourself in real life!
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:41:46 am »
Have a feeling this isn't taken seriously at all.

News & Announcements / Re: Update Pack #10; FULL CLIPPING REVAMP!!!
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:40:38 am »
Awesome update!!
Been waiting for a while, thanks for it :D

General Media & Graphical Design / Re: Real or Fake?
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:40:18 am »
Yeah, don't we have a highscores for this?

General / Re: Hey, I'm Sword
« on: July 19, 2012, 03:24:06 am »
Welcome sword.

Don't worry this server will, and is, much better then Rs2006.
Not to defend them, but what is your reasoning that it will succeed any better? Sounds to me like you're just kissing ass.
Maybe because we haven't had our source leaked over 5 times?

Introductions / Re: Hello runerebels!
« on: July 17, 2012, 07:57:30 pm »
nice to meet you, hope to see you in the game!

It's a sign that you shouldn't say that! Haha :D
at least I wasn't the only one thinking that.

General Media & Graphical Design / Re: F2p fun lol
« on: July 17, 2012, 07:56:39 pm »
I was asking how you where ^_^

Forum Games / Re: True or False
« on: July 17, 2012, 01:56:37 am »

The next person has had sex.

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