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Messages - Gaara

Pages: [1]
Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Re: Terms of Service agreement
« on: February 25, 2013, 09:36:53 pm »
Terms of Service do actually change things, because upon violating them, any and all evidence found is then inadmissible in court, which means that any lawyer worth shit would have the case thrown out before court came into the picture.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Terms of Service agreement
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:44:31 pm »
Ok, so the only reason Mopar is still around is because of terms of service agreements, I think if you don't want to be shutdown by jagex, you need to add a terms of service agreement, not only to the account registration, but also one to gain access to the site. If you want, I can write the code for the page if you want me to. I have almost completed a web development program for school which will make me a certified internet web developer(It's CIW, I think that's what it stands for).

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