« on: March 06, 2013, 11:41:15 pm »
I think there should be some kind of content update in the near future. Some quest or something along the lines out content. We need more content for more players. Second of we need to find a way to promote the server a little bit better. We need to get more player and keep them active.
The economy can't grow with the same people buying and selling stuff. We need more players in general. Maybe get some paid promotion on runelocus or on a site along them lines. Maybe make some type of donators lounge on the forum with some type of content in it to get people to donate to pay for sponsorship. Maybe make voting credits to everyone that votes everyday and allow them to enter drawings for every month to win like 1m or something. Just incentive to get players more active and to get a bigger player base, without really giving much away but still giving away something for what good you have done.
I think just doing some of these things will give the server that "edge" to make people want to come play Rune Rebels, instead of going and playing 2007 Runescape, or any other server. Just giving a little bit to the players that give to the server will drawl more player to play in my opinion. But what can i say i'm just another player.