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Messages - Ghost

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Rants / Re: I lost my shit!
« on: September 21, 2014, 05:54:32 pm »
that pink type though... :o

Goals & Achievements / Re: 19 Players Online!
« on: September 01, 2014, 03:17:47 pm »
lookin good guys! Keep ovoting and posting!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

In-Game Events / Fishing in Catherby
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:53:39 pm »
Fishing right now if anyone wants to come :D

Off Topic / Re: Remnants of a Good Night
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:22:16 pm »
10/10 on blurry pic...emphasizes the morning. feels.

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / Official Runerebels Team Speak
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:20:33 pm »

Current World Events / Re: Leaked Nudes! (2 Hours Ago) :O
« on: September 01, 2014, 10:34:06 am »
That chick from glees career is over. lol. Any one wanna roast some marshmellows ?

Suggestions, Compliments, And Questions / auto cast spells
« on: August 30, 2014, 02:39:08 pm »
Is it me or is this broken?

News & Announcements / Re: It's about time.
« on: August 30, 2014, 02:27:33 pm »
Good to see you back, brother. Chicks can be crazy.. Any plans on adding onur or other devs to the admin codething?

Thank you for the update, James. I truly appreciate your commitment to the cause, bro.

General / Re: Been away a while/////
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:03:39 pm »
good 2 see u bro ;D

Cleaned up this post, please stop wasting disk space, kty

So now you're abusing your powers on a non-existent server to delete posts in an off-topic forum because you don't like what's being said haha pathetic buddy, PATHETIC.. why don't you re-read the "off-topic" board description.. "Talk about anything that is not related to RuneRebels here!" .. I guess you're not "wasting disk space" with all your bullshit incoherent posts talking in the way in which you think is cute but in reality gets on everyone's nerves.. Onur.. you have a power complex along with every other "moderator" on this fuckin POS.. you should look into law enforcement.. but moderating an internet forum is more like a mall security guard.. that might be more up your alley..

onur is right in a way. He's got my respect for trying to put RR back on the map again with updates

I stopped playing actively because there was no party hats, essentially. That may seem shallow, but you can't undervalue the significance of aesthetics and wearable prestige. Grinding is good and fun, but, without skill capes, high scores, or rare items, the levels and gainz ring a little hollow for me.

Let's think short-term a little bit, a lot of fun for a month is better than stagnation and mediocrity for another year.

I agree with that, we need to figure out a way to introduce these items ingame without significantly altering the economy.

That isn't going to happen, remember the chaos this Easter with the eggs? Everyone turned against each other and camped locations specifically so they could get more and  make more money. Any attempt to introduce party hats with this method of bringing into the game will fail badly.

The only thing I can possibly imagine being a good idea, would be to make party hats so ridiculously rare that only the most loyal players can get them.

My suggestions?

Make party hats available to claim in game, after having voted 250 times on RuneLocus for RuneRebels.

Considering you can vote twice a day for RuneLocus, 250 x 12 / 24 = 125

It'd take 125 days for anyone to ever get a party hat, roughly 3 months of voting twice a day, thus dramatically increasing the amount of publicity on RuneLocus for the game, especially if people flock and stick to it. You can make it an unreadable cosmetic also, so the phat is un-tradable, at least until the game kicks off and it won't kill the economy by making them tradable.

With the votes for the server increasing popularity, as well as players motivated towards getting this extremely rare item, it'd be beneficial, and most players won't even sell their first phat due to the accomplishment they've had, meaning they'd go through another 3 months of voting before they get one to sell. Make the item available to choose in any colour on a page on the site, and just have it claimable ingame by doing something like


Sort of like other servers. You can make party hats the only cosmetic available by voting, making its rarity more obvious, players would get voting immediately, even I would and as of right now I'd rather vote for Ikov to get my daily 36m.

Just an idea though, but people have been talking about rates and vote rewards for months, with this they come hand in hand, and this was one of my ideas when I was applying for head of advertising a few months back.

I think a chaos or frenzy would be a great thing. :P

Revenge's idea is pretty good. I think the ability to have them after using a referral system is super legit. Or maybe we can have a community goal. Something along the lines of if we recruit and advertise X amount of people to join and play regularly, then we should get a reward. Maybe something like a party-hat drop party? I think the key is to make them trade-able though.  Thoughts?

I just want it clear that driving up the player base is the clear goal here.

that's what I'm saying.

still worth a shot given where we're headed. I think it will give a much-needed jolt to the community.

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